Well........ A month from today is the day! Paislyn Nicole will be having her 3rd open heart surgery. I have so many mixed emotions going through my head! I'm excited that my baby's heart is going to be "fixed", but I am scared to death. I sit and look back on the last 2 and a half years and am in awe of how God has shown his face in my life. Ya there has been tough times, but who doesn't have tough times? I've had times where I think I will never get through what I'm going through and then I not only get through it , but I see how God worked through me or the situation. No one can fully prepare themselves to watch their child go through surgery of any kind. It's hard, it hurts, and all you want to do is take your child's pain from them. They don't deserve to feel the hurt they have to go through....... However, God sent his only Son to die for our sins, and I look at Paislyns heart a lot of the same way. I am in no means comparing what God has done for us all and Paislyn, but this is what I have seen...... My precious baby girl has had her chest cracked open twice, been on a bypass machine twice ,on ventilators, had countless Iv's, shots, pokes, medicines, x-rays, echos, and countless other tests, and had to endure way more than a precious 2 year old girl should have to. But this is the way I look at it...... Because of the journey Paislyn has went on many people have seen and heard the grace and power of Jesus Christ. She will forever have a "pretty" on her chest to show the world that she has been broken, yet healed by the blood of Jesus. God has watched over and protected Paislyn in more ways than I have ever imagined. She is a constant reminder of Gods grace and love. She has opened people's eyes to God, and the way I see it is if that is what Paislyn has had to go through for that to happen then I am honored God chose my little girl for such a big task! I am trying to mentally prepare myself for Paislyns surgery.... It will be hard, but I BELIEVE AND KNOW that God is and always will be in control of this situation. I ordered the "Praying for Paislyn" bracelets and was OVERWHELMED at how many people wanted them. I am so incredibly thankful for the people God has put in my life to love and pray for my precious little girl. I can't believe how many people take the time to pray and think about Paislyn, but I want to thank you all from the bottom of my heart. Without so much support from everyone we would not make it through this! I also want to take the time to talk about my family. I have THE most incredible, supportive, loving family. My mom and dad have been there for me more than I deserve. They are always there to encourage and support me. I am so thankful God gave me such an amazing set of parents who love me and care for me through the good and the bad. They have stepped up on my behalf so many times and I can't thank them enough for loving Paislyn and I and being there for us every step of the way. I couldn't do this without them! My sister and brother in law are incredible. They love Paislyn so much and would do anything for her. They are there to encourage me, and love me through the hard times. Paislyn is blessed with such an amazing Aunt and Uncle. They have stepped up in so many different ways the last couple years and I'm so grateful for them! My brother is a phenomenal uncle and brother! Paislyn adores her Uncle Logie and he loves her just the same. His minimal but meaningful words of encouragement mean so much to me and I am so thankful for his support and love! I am truly BLESSED by my family each and every day, but I am also blessed by all of you that love us so much! You are not my family and are in now way required to care or love us like you have, yet you do...... We are so thankful for each and everyone of you! I ask that you all please continue to pray for my little lady! She is and always will be Little Miss Miracle! God made her heart special and someday I can't wait to explain to Paislyn just how much love, hope, faith, strength, triumph, and BLESSINGS........that came from that beautiful little scar on her chest.....

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