Paislyn with mommy and daddy before surgery |
Paislyn with maw maw and paw paw |
Getting wheeled down to surgery with mommy |
Paislyn had a good night last night, Jake on the other hand didn't get much sleep in the room with her : ) We were up bright and early to spend some time with Paislyn before her surgery: ) We prayed over her and then it was time. They came to get her around 7 a.m. and wheeled us down to the surgery prep room. I had a moment when we first got in there and I lost it.... My heart broke. The nurse put her hand on my shoulder and said, "God will take care of her." It really made me feel so good. Next thing I knew nurses were all around us laughing at how happy Paislyn was and how smiley she was being. Paislyn was hamin' it up! That made me smile! : ) She always knows when mommy needs a smile! They took her from us and her journey began at 7:30 a.m. I knew God was walking right beside her into the operating room, and holding her because I couldn't. It's almost 10 a.m. and we are now patiently waiting for updates every few ours from the nurses while Paislyn is in surgery. We have so much faith that God will pull her through and she will have a safe and fast recovery!
Right after Paislyn's surgery |
She really looks SO good! |
The Dr.'s at rounds said, "Wow, she is Big, that's awesome!" |
Dr. Hirsch came in at 12:30 and said Paislyn's surgery went great! She said her pulmonary arteries looked great, she had no heart arrhythmia, and she was very pleased by how well Paislyn did. We told her thank you so much, and she said, "No thank you guys for getting her so chubby." haha : ) I began to get very nervous to go back and see Paislyn. I had a mild breakdown and then I was fine. It was finally time! It was 2:30 p.m. and we were able to go see our precious baby. I felt kinda sick to my stomach and excited at the same time. As I turned the corner and saw her I about cried, SHE LOOKED ABSOLUTELY AMAZING!!!! Once again I praise God for what he has done! The nurses gave an amazing report of how well she is doing and how good she looked. She only has one chest tube, she is already breathing over the vent, and is on barely any medication at all. God is SOO GOOD! I was so excited to see her and how beautiful she looked! They had already made her a little bow and put it in her hair : ) They know me oh so well. She was having a little trouble keeping her oxygen sats as high as they need to be so they just had to turn the vent up a little until she wakes up a little more. The plan is to get her off the vent tomorrow! I know she can do it so pray that she breathes hard and gets that out! Thank you so much for all your prayers God truly answers them! I can't believe what a great God we serve!! Love you all.
Aww this just brings back so many memories !!! She looks so good!!! I'm so glad to hear she's doing amazing !! Hopefully she can be off the vent by tonite !! Stay strong for her as she will for you all !! God is with her !!! With much love take care !!!
ReplyDeleteAAWW that definitely brought tears to me eyes. She looks absolutely amazing! I'm so happy everything went well, she is such a trooper. I wish her a fast and healthy recovery over the next few days and a safe trip home! You and Jake are amazing parents and Paislyn is the luckiest girl to have parents and family support like she does. Hang in there Aubrey! Love, Morgan
ReplyDeleteAw - sweet baby after surgery. Brings tears to my eyes too. We have been praying hard. Everywhere we go, someone is asking me for an update. Uncle Joe asked who all I've told - I said anyone who will pray! :) Praying for good recovery, and quick. Love you guys! Aunt Jean & Uncle Joe
ReplyDeleteShe looks so nice and pink..and definatley like a princess with the hair bow! Have thought of Paislyn so often today and said a prayer each time that all is going well. Laura K--- Parker's granny
ReplyDeleteI had to come back to look at the Paislyn smiling pictures - that girl is not right smiling at all of the nurses and doctors. Just makes me grin. :) She sure is a special baby that we all love so much.