Happy little girl before the Echo |
Her smile is PRICELESS! |
So Sleepy after her Echo
Chewing on the pacifier that the nurse gave her |
On the way home from Michigan |
As we pulled up to U of M I began to feel anxious. All of the past memories were coming over me and I felt a little overwhelmed. We were driving by and Jake said, " There is our little walkway we walked everyday to and from the Ronald McDonald house, and there is the garage we walked through to get into the hospital everyday", and it almost seemed surreal. We had arrived. A part of me was excited to see nurses and doctors that we had seen before and to hear what they had to say about Paislyn. We got the the Pediatric Cardiology Clinic and signed Paislyn in and shortly after were escorted to her room. My beautiful baby girl weighed in at 17 lbs. 11 oz! Let me remind you that Paislyn had not eaten anything since 6 a.m. and for all of you that know her she takes her food pretty seriously. I was so nervous she would be so upset the entire drive up to Michigan and before her echo, but let me tell you she did not fuss, cry, or wimper one time. God had given her such a peace! I was so happy. The sedation room was dark and they had music playing in the background. They gave Paislyn an oral medicine called Chloral Hydrate and she fell fast asleep in her daddy's arms. They told us the echo would take about 40 min and to come back to the room then. When we got back in the room the nurse started to laugh. She said in the middle of the echo Paislyn decided to do her little "sit ups" and she opened her eyes real big and looked at Bryan ( The cardiologist), and gave him a big smile. She then decided it would be a great time to suck on her toes. They just laughed and laughed at her. The nurse went and got Paislyn's pacifier and finally got her back to sleep. We got back to the recovery room and she woke up great! As smiley and happy as ever! She was just talking away and inhaled 2 full bottles! All we heard all day was how beautiful Paislyn was. They told us how "pink" she was which is great to hear for a heart baby, and how big she had gotten! We waited for Dr. Armstrong to review Paislyn's echo while other "fellows" came to look at her. She loves to grab the stethoscopes, they are like a toy just for her. Finally Dr. Armstrong came in to tell us about her results. You know that feeling when you just know it didn't turn out the way you expected....... I saw it on her face. She began to tell us that Paislyn's ventricle had not grown like they thought it might. They thought she could potentially have a ventricle and a half, but instead they are now going the single ventricle repair route. She told us that Paislyn would need to have a heart cath and the Hemi Fontan (2nd stage surgery) in the near future. I didn't know just how "near" she meant. She came back in and said that we would be coming back up there on March 31st for her heart cath and surgery the net day on April 1st. I was taken back to say the least. I said ok, put my head down and tried with all of my might not to cry. I knew this day would come.... just wasn't ready. Dr. Armstrong ordered a chest x-ray before we left. As we were walking down the long hallway to radiology I lost it. I couldn't hold it in anymore and I cried and cried. I was officially a mess. They called Paislyn's name for her chest x-ray and I was still crying. For all of you that have never got the pleasure of watching a chest x-ray...... it's horrible! They strap the baby on a tall table thing hanging in the air. They strap each arm up in the air and put a strap under their head forcing it to look up, while their legs are hanging down. I turned my head so I didn't have to see Paislyn like that and I noticed she wasn't crying, I looked up at her with her head all strapped back and she gave me the cutest little smile. It forced me to laugh out loud. She knew that was exactly what I needed at that moment. We got her all dressed and headed for home. Jake and I cried together almost the whole way home. We got our emotions out and then we knew it was time to deal. We needed to be strong for our daughter. I had a rough night sleep just thinking of the previous surgery and all it entails, but I know that God will watch over my precious Paislyn and protect her. I have faith and trust in the most awesome God that he will never leave her or forsake her. He will continue to touch Paislyn just as he has for the last 7 months. I will continue to "Be still and know he is in control" ( Fee) I ask for your prayers. Please pray peace and strength over Paislyn. I ask that you begin to pray for wisdom for Dr. Hirsch ( Paislyn's surgeon). Also I ask for prayer for Jake and I. Please pray for peace over us and that we will give God total control over our little girl. Thank you all so much! We love and appreciate all of you so much! More than you will ever know!
This makes me cry Aubrey. It must be so hard to watch your baby go through all of this. Rest assured, she is in good hands not only with the Mott hospital staff, but also in the Big Hands above! In part of my Bible study on David, Beth Moore was sharing about fear. She writes "We need to know that the events we find so baffling don't mean God has forgotten about us or forsaken us. Perhaps, if we'd stretch our hearts and minds to perceive it, He has instead TRUSTED US." You are trusted with precious Paislyn. We are praying for you all! Love you tons.
ReplyDeleteWow! 17 lbs. What a great. healthy weight to go into surgery! Bowen was only 13lbs.That is sooo funny- he smiled when he was all strapped up in the x-ray thing too. They are just appriciative of life! I know how hard all this is,and like you guys, we prayed for healing so he would be spared all of this. But God has other plans for them.We've seen His glory so much in all of this! It's just so hard when they look so and act so good to feel like anything is wrong and really they are so sick.We had to keep reminding ourselves that even though God didn't heal in this case He gve the surgeons the wisdom to fix those teeny tiny hearts and gave those tiny babies the strength to endure it all! And tthis surgery is nothing like the first. So we will be praying that Paislyn will be in and out of there in record time with no complications. And we will give God the glory!!! In His love and peace and blessings to all of you as you wait. Pam Schooler(Bowen's grandma)
ReplyDeleteUGH! I am sitting in the computer lab at school just bawling! Some poor lady next to me asked if I was ok! So I insisted on showing her all of Pay's pictures and sharing her story with her! Now we are BOTH crying!
ReplyDeleteMonica, that just made me smile. Go ahead and share Paislyn's story and may God get all the glory! I know God is using both her and Bowen to show His faithfulness even thru the storms....He is always there, He will never leave us or forsake us. And He loves these babies even more than we do, and we ADORE them! I am just so proud of you Aubrey and your faith and trust in a soverign God who is our healer. I am proud of how strong you and Jacob have been and how you have bonded together and allowed Him to be your all-in-all no matter how hard it is. We are gonna just continue to see good things happen thru Pay and to begin to see the GREAT plans God has for her life! I love the three of you dearly! Momma
ReplyDeleteI always cry when I read your blogs! You and Jake are such strong amazing parents. God blessed you with such an amazing strong beautiful girl! I know she will do wonderful just as she did last time. Your family is in our prayers! God is so great!
ReplyDeleteAubrey I know exactly what you mean with the xrays it seems to be the most horrible thing ever. I always said they should not be able to do that to such a precious little baby and I know it haunts your thoughts. I know you can never prepare your self for these surgeries and you are so glad to be back home after they are done. I know exactly how you feel. My daughter is having her 3rd stage this summer and I am absolutely dreading it. I just want it to go away and I know it wont and it has to be done. I just look at her sometimes and cry like why does this have to be her why does this have to happen to any sweet little baby or any person at any age. It is very saddening and I hate the thought of it all together. I am praying for paislyn and your family and I am always here for support bc I know exactly what your going through and how you feel. Best of luck and best wishes and I pray the best for you and your sweet little princess... Love always !!! the Neely's